HLRN Urgent Action Automatic Support Page - HLRN


HLRN Urgent Action Automatic Support Page

By clicking on Support, your solidarity letters will go to the list of authorities addresses appearing in the detail of the case.
If you want change the sample texts, we recommend that you copy the letter you want to change, then edit and send it from your own email to the recipients at their emails appearing in the Urgent Action appeal.

Your Message
Message Recipients info@comissaoconstitucional.ao
Subject UA - Angola: Demolitions and Forced Eviction in Lubango City
Dear (recipient name),

Bornito de Sousa Baltazar Diogo

O Presidente da Comissão Constitucional

Assembleia Nacional / National Assembly

Rua do 1º Congresso do MPLA

C.P. nº 1204

Luanda, República de Angola


Sua Excelência Sr. Presidente de Sousa Baltazar Diogo:

Fill your personal information and click support to send your automatic letters.
First name
Last name


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