The first meeting of the Board of the new Loss and Damage Fund (LDF) will take place from 30 April to 2 May 2024 at Abu Dhabi Energy Centre, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Ahead of that meeting, over 340 organizations around the world have addressed the Board to urge that it establish procedures for meaningful participation of right holders and civil society concerned with the impacts associated with climate change. For its part, HIC-HLRN also has urged the interim Transitional Committee recommend a path toward such meaningful participation and community-led determination of the values at stake as the subject of remedy and reparations within the framework of the relevant international law norms. Follow is the text of the collective letter to the LDF Board.

To: Members of the Board of the Fund for Loss and Damage

Cc: UNFCCC Secretariat

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

UN Campus | Platz der Vereinten Nationen 1

53113 Bonn | Germany

29 April 2024

Dear Members of the Loss and Damage Fund Board,

We would like to express deep concern regarding limits to the participation of civil society organizations (CSOs) in the upcoming first Board Meeting of the Fund for Loss and Damage under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). We believe these restrictions not only set a harmful precedent, but also run in conflict with the commitment to promote and safeguard meaningful public and stakeholder participation and access to information. These principles are reiterated in several international legal frameworks and reaffirmed in both the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement.

Civil society organizations play a vital role in representing the voices and interests of marginalized communities who are disproportionately suffering from massive losses and damages. The Fund for Loss and Damage Board should be enhancing the participation of civil society in these critical discussions, instead the allocation of seats for CSOs at the first Board Meeting of the Fund for Loss and Damage is significantly more restricted than the space currently afforded at the Green Climate Fund Board meetings.

Two representatives per UNFCCC constituency to attend and observe is severely limited and does not ensure meaningful and active participation. It excludes groups, such as climate refugees or people living with disabilities, who lack formal representation in the UNFCCC process but are among those worst affected by losses and damages. This arrangement is particularly challenging for the ENGO observer constituency, which comprises two extensive networks (DCJ and CAN) with thousands of member organizations worldwide. Limiting them to one representative each not only undermines the principles of inclusivity and democratic participation but also disregards the complexity and diversity of voices these networks represent.

In light of this, we urge the Members of the Board and the interim Secretariat to take immediate steps to ensure that the Fund for Loss and Damage include the following:

  • 1. A robust mechanism for CSO participation that provide adequate space and opportunities for observers proportional to the diverse communities affected by the climate crisis,
  • 2. Transparency and timely disclosure of relevant, accurate and comprehensive information about the Fund’s operations and processes,
  • 3. Accessibility to Board proceedings (via live webcast) and virtual participation modalities.
  • We cannot emphasize enough how CSO participation in this space is essential to ensure that the outcomes are equitable and responsive to the needs of those most impacted. We implore you to take immediate actions and ensure that the first Board meetings are conducted in a transparent, inclusive, and accountable manner. The urgency of addressing climate change demands no less.

    Signed and endorsed by 342 national, regional and international organizations worldwide:

    International Organizations

    Accountability Counsel


    Amnesty International

    Anti-Slavery International
    CARE International

    Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR)

    Center for International Environmental Law
    Climate Action Network International
    Climate Refugees
    Franciscans International
    Global Afrodescendant Climate Justice Collaborative
    Global North and South Movement
    Global Witness
    Habitat International Coalition
    International Accountability Project
    International Trade Union Confederation
    International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
    International Transport Workers Federation
    LDC Watch
    Oil Change International
    Passionists International
    Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary NGO
    Third World Network
    Transparency International
    Women`s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)
    World`s Youth for Climate Justice
    WWF International
    Friends of the Earth International

    Regional Organizations

    African Coalition on Green Growth (ACGG)
    Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development
    Asian Peoples` Movement on Debt and Development
    ATHENA Network
    Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI)
    Centre for Climatology and Applied Research
    Climate Action Network Europe
    Climate Action Network Latin America
    Climate Action Network South Asia
    Corporación Sihyta
    East African Budget Network
    Emmaus International
    Eurodad - European Network on Debt and Development
    Focus on the Global South
    Greenpeace Southeast Asia
    Habitat Defenders Africa
    Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense (AIDA)
    Mhakwe Heritage Foundation Trust
    Migrant Forum in Asia
    Natural Justice
    NGO Forum on ADB
    Regional Advocacy for Women’s Sustainable Advancement
    Rejoice Africa Foundation
    South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE)
    Sustainable Development Institute
    Sustainable Development Institute (SDI)

    National Organizations

    Sanayee Development Organization

    Frente Sindicalnde Acción Climática

    Armenian Forests Environmental NGO

    ActionAid Australia
    Australian Religious Response to Climate Change (ARRCC)
    Climate Action Network Australia
    Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education

    Coordination Office of the Austrian Bishops` Conference for International Development and Mission (KOO)

    Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association
    Bangladesh Krishok Federation
    Campaign For Good Governance
    Global Law Thinkers Society (GLTS)
    International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) - Independent University (IUB)
    Voices for Interactive Choice and Empowerment
    Centre for Environment, Human Rights & Development Forum (CEHRDF)
    International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD)
    Voices for Interactive Choice and Empowerment
    Waterkeepers Bangladesh

    CNCDCoopération Internationale pour le Développement et la Solidarité (CIDSE)

    Amis de l`Afrique Francophone- Benin (AMAF-BENIN)

    Reaccion Climatica

    Botswana Khwedom Council
    Southern Africa Climate Change Coalition
    Southern Africa Region Climate Action Network

    Gender and Economics Research Center NPGE
    Climate Observatory

    Dukingire Isi Yacu (DIY)
    Solidarite Des Femmes Pour Le Bien Etre Social Et Le Progress Au Burundi

    Cadire Cameroon Association (CCA)
    Planet One -Mboa Hub
    Pathways for Women`s Empowerment and Development/Integrated Agricultural Training Center (PaWED-IATC)
    Women for a Change

    Peace Track Initiative

    International helping for the young

    Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR)

    Barranquilla+20 Foundation
    Enda Colombia
    Fundación victimas vulnerables mujeres Afro independientes (FUNVIMUFROIN)
    Warmillak Ay

    Maison des Organisations de la Société Civile (MOSC) Anjouan - Comores

    Costa Rica
    Asociación La Ruta del Clima

    Côte d`Ivoire
    Association Jeunes Agriculteurs (AJA)

    Democratic Republic of Congo
    Action Jeunesse pour le Développement
    Actions Communautaires Pour Le Development Integral
    Agir Pour La Seurite Et La Souverainte Alimentaire (ASSA)
    Alternative des Jeunes pour la préservation et la conservation des Ecosystèmes, de la Biodiversité et l’Environnement pour le Développement Durable Aube Nouvelle pour la Femme et le Développement ANFD non-profit NGO
    Coalition Climat pour la Biodiversité et le Développement
    Innovation pour le Développement et la Protection de l`Environnement
    Innovation pour le Développement et la Protection de l`Environnement
    Julienne Lusenge
    Ligue Pour La Solidarite Congolaise
    Organisation Paysanne Pour le Développement Durable
    Reseau sur le Changement Climatique RDC
    Solidarité des Femmes sur le Fleuve Congo
    Solidarité Féminine pour la Paix et le Développement Intégral (SOFEPADI)

    ActionAid Denmark
    Danish 92 Group
    Danish Family Planning Association
    Forests of the World
    Global Focus
    Økologisk Landsforening/Organic Denmark
    Oxfam Denmark

    Elseidi law firm
    Housing and Land Rights Network-Habitat International Coalition

    El Carbe
    Fundación Etnica Integral

    Union of Ethiopian Women and Children Associations (UEWCA)

    FijiDiverse Voices and Action (DIVA) for Equality
    House of Colors Labasa
    Pacific Conference of Churches
    Pacific Islands Climate Action Network (PICAN)

    Secours catholique Caritas France

    The Gambia
    Kaiaraba Conservation and Leadership Organization

    Brot für die Welt
    Office against Discrimination, Racism and Intolerance (ODRI)

    Africa Women Leaders Network, Ghana (AWLN)
    AbibiNsroma Foundation

    Organisation pour la Protection de l`Environnement Guinéen OPEG
    Carbone Guinée

    Groupe de Réflexion et d`Initiative pour l`Avancement de la Grand`Anse (GRIAG)
    Vwa Fanm Ayisyen (VFA)

    All India women`s hawker federation
    Indian National Trade Union Congress-INTUC
    Lok Shakti Abhiyan
    Mineral Inheritors Rights Association
    Mines mineral and people
    Nadi Ghati Morcha - India
    National Hawker Federation
    People for Himalayan Development
    Self Employed Women`s Association (SEWA)
    Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre

    Aksi! for gender, social and ecological justice
    Gema Alam NTB

    Christian Aid Ireland

    Italian Climate Network
    Rinascimento Green

    International Organization for the Oneness of the Arab Peoples


    Africa Nature Solutions Trust (ANASOT)
    Africa Climate and Health Alliance
    Climate Action Network Africa
    Emonyo Yefwe International
    Endorois Indigenous Women Empowerment Network
    Endorois Welfare Council (EWC)
    Gender Links Kenya
    Global River Protection Coalition Africa
    Jumuiya Women Fund
    Keiyo Women Trust
    Kisumu Social Rights Association (KISORA)
    OilWatch Africa
    Ruth Rotich & Company Advocates
    Wagai Environmental Science and Development Programme

    Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia

    Action Solidarité Tiers Monde (ASTM)


    SAVE Rivers

    Association de Solidarte d’Aide et Action Enfance Mali

    Marshall Islands
    Kora Fund Marshall Islands
    Women United Together Marshall Islands

    Association du Développement et de la Promotion de Droits de l`Homme

    Asamblea Ecologista Popular
    Equidad de Género: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia

    Oyu Tolgoi Watch
    Rivers without Boundaries Coalition

    Group for Development of Women and Girls


    All Nepal Peasants` Federation (ANPFa)
    Digo Bikas Institute (DBI)
    Food Sovereignty and Climate Justice Forum
    General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions
    Nepal Development Initiative
    Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN)
    The Institute for Study and Development Worldwide (IFSD)
    Women Empowerment Against Poverty of Nepal (WEAPoN)

    The Netherlands
    Both ENDS

    Association Kandili
    Association Nigerienne des Scouts de l’Environnement ANSEN

    Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice(ANEEJ)
    Centre for 21st Century Issues
    Centre for Renewable Energy and Action on Climate Change
    Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA)
    Gender and Environmental Risk Reduction Initiative (GERI)
    Green leaf Advocacy and Empowerment Center
    Nigeria Labour Congress
    Village Farmers Initiative (VFI)

    North Macedonia
    Journalists for Human Rights

    Changemaker (Norway)
    Debt Justice Norway
    New Women Connectors
    Norwegian Church Aid
    The Norwegian Forum for Development and Environment

    Alternative Law Collective
    Hisaar Foundation
    Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum
    Policy Research Institute for Equitable Development (PRIED)
    Sukaar Welfare Organization

    Papua New Guinea
    Tulele Peisa Inc.

    Central Autónoma de Trabajadores del Perú
    Karen Casallo
    Movimiento ciudadano frente al cambio climático

    Aksyon Klima Pilipinas
    Centre for Sustainability PH
    Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC)
    National Food Coalition
    Oriang Philippines
    Philippine Movement for Climate Justice
    SANLAKAS Philippines
    Tebtebba Foundation
    The Climate Reality Project Philippines

    Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund

    Carbone Guinee
    Reseau De Communication Et De Developpement Des Femmes Senegalaises
    Réseau De Communication Et D’Information Du Senegal

    Sierra Leone
    Budget Advocacy Network
    Reachout Salone

    South Africa
    Solar for Climate Justice
    South African Youth Climate Change Coalition

    South Korea
    Solutions for Our Climate (SFOC)
    Transparency International Korea Chapter

    South Sudan
    National Women Empowerment and Rehabilitation organisation
    Human Rights and Legal Aid

    Sri Lanka
    Centre for Environmental Justice

    Swaziland Transport, Communication and Allied Workers Union (SWATCAWU)

    Quaker United Nations Office

    CSYM -MBUENET MTANDAO CoalitionsGreener Tanzania Livelihood Organisation
    Manyara Region Network ECD

    Climate Watch Thailand
    Sustainable Development Foundation

    Misère Option Zéro (MOZ)

    Akina Mama Wa Afrika
    Amalgamated Transport and General Workers Union
    Bio Vision Africa (BiVA)
    Centre for Citizens Conserving Environment & Management (CECIC)
    Disability Peoples Forum Uganda
    Migrant Workers Voice
    National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE)
    Southern and Eastern Africa Trade Information Negotiations Institute

    United Kingdom
    ActionAid UK
    Debt Justice UK
    Equal Rights
    Gender and Development Network (GADN)
    Global Justice Now
    International Transport Workers` Federation
    National Education Union
    Stamp Out Poverty
    Trades Union Congress
    War on Want

    United States
    Accelerate Neighborhood Climate Action
    Bank Information Center
    Businesses for a Livable Climate
    Call to Action Colorado
    Casa Generalizia della Societa del Sacro Cuore
    CatholicNetwork US
    Climate and Community Project
    Climate Generation
    Climate Rights International
    Colorado Businesses for a Livable Climate
    Community for Sustainable Energy
    Company of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Pault de Paul
    Dominican Leadership Conference
    Friends of the Earth US
    Greater New Orleans Housing Alliance
    Green House Connection Center
    Hawaii Institute for Human Rights
    Heinrich Böll Foundation Washington, DC
    Indivisible Ambassadors
    Interstate 70 Citizens Advisory Group
    Justice Is Global
    Larimer Alliance for Health, Safety, & Environment
    Littleton Business AllianceLoretto Community (Sisters of Loretto)
    Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
    Mayfair Park Neighborhood Association
    Mental Health & Inclusion Ministries
    Mind`s Eye Productions
    Montbello Neighborhood Improvement Association
    North Range Concerned Citizens
    Our Sacred Earth
    RapidShift Network
    Save the Environmental Protection Agency
    Small Business Alliance
    Southwest Organization for Sustainability
    Spirit of the Sun
    System Change Not Climate Change
    Texas Campaign for the Environment
    Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
    Unite North Metro Denver
    Wall of Women
    Western Slope Businesses for a Livable Climate
    Womxn from the Mountain
    Working for Racial Equity

    ActionAid Vietnam

    The Center of Humanitarian Law and Human Rights

    Civil Society SDGs Campaign GCAP Zambia
    Climate Action Network Zambia
    The Abel Musumali Foundation
    Zambia Social Forum

    Climate Action Network Zimbabwe
    Emmaus International
    Zimbabwe Climate Change Coalition
    Zimbabwe People’s Land Rights Movement

    Download pdf version
    See list of LDF Board members

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