News (10)
HIC Members in Solidarity with the Indigenous Palestinian People Demand Governments Uphold Obligations |
By :At today`s HIC General Assembly, Members issued the following statement of solidarity with the Indigenous Palestinian People and demanded their government uphold their obligations to end complicity with Israel. |
11 December 2024 |
At today`s HIC General Assembly, Members issued the following statement of solidarity with the Indigenous Palestinian People and demanded their government uphold their obligations to end complicity with Israel.
Global demand that States uphold their obligations to end complicity with Israel’s violation of Palestinians’ rights
The members of Habitat International Coalition, More...
Humanitarian Aid to Gaza: ‘A drop in an ocean of need’ |
By :Doaa El-Bey, |
03 December 2024 |
‘A drop in an ocean of need’
Participants in a conference aiming to enhance humanitarian aid to Gaza underlined the importance of the role played by UNRWA
The flow of humanitarian aid into Gaza is “grossly insufficient, inconsistent and unpredictable — a drop in an ocean of need”, said UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina More...
With Full Purpose and Intent: Israel’s Attacks on Palestinians in Their Home, Refuge and Displacement |
29 November 2024 |
On this International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, HIC-HLRN is sharing the most-recent products of its monitoring and documentation of the Indigenous People’s housing and land rights violations, abuses that form the heart of the Zionist colonial project. By invasion, acquisition of territory through force and deception, violent More...
HRW: Displacement of Palestinians in Gaza, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity |
By :HRW |
14 November 2024 |
HRW: Displacement of Palestinians in Gaza, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity
A new report from Human Rights Watch (HRW) documents Israel’s massive deliberate forced displacement of Palestinians in Gaza, amounting to war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The report examines how Israel’s conduct led to the widespread destruction of much More...
UN Human Rights Chief Finally Reminds of Genocide Convention Obligations |
25 October 2024 |
UN High Commission for Human Rights Volker Türk has been reserved in his statements about the genocide that Israel has wrought on the Palestinian people, including in the ongoing wave since October 2023. However, today he has broken silence on the applicability of the Genocide Convention, saying “The International Court More...
International Day of Action for People`s Food Sovereignty |
20 October 2024 |
On the occasion of the International Day of Action for People`s Food Sovereignty and against transnational corporations comes on 16 October, while global social and political movements continue their tireless efforts to achieve popular sovereignty over their natural resources and food, the MENA region is plunged into a comprehensive war More...
UNGA Demands Israel End Its Occupation in 12 Months |
By :Al Jazeera Staff |
18 September 2024 |
UN General Assembly overwhelmingly calls for end of Israeli occupation
International body demands an end to Israel’s illegal presence in the Palestinian territories within 12 months.
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has overwhelmingly adopted a resolution calling on Israel to end its illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories within a year, More...
Climate Finance Table - Tunisia |
23 August 2024 |
The Land and Its People: Civil Society Voices Address the Crisis over Natural Resources in the Middle East/North Africa |
20 August 2024 |
Colonizer JNF to Lose `Charitable` Status in Canada |
By :The National Post |
25 July 2024 |
The Jewish National Fund (JNF) is chartered since 1901 as an apartheid institution and an organ of the State of Isael since 1952. It is responsible for dispossessing Palestinians of their land and properties, as well as transforming the environment of Palestine into a Jewish settler colony. Although conducting the More...
Document Title
Publication Date |
Climate Finance Table - Tunisia
23 August 2024 |
Solutions to Loss and Damage Associated with Climate Change
21 March 2023 |
Israeli Apartheid: Tool of Zionist Settler Colonialism
27 December 2022 |
الإنتقال من العمل الخيري والإغاثة إلى التنمية (الأطراف الفاعلة)
20 September 2022 |
How to consider climate change-related cases in the VDB
07 September 2022 |
تحديات التحوّل أخضر في السودان
23 April 2022 |
Human Rights Related to Habitat (Land, Housing, Population Transfer, Natural Resources) in Moroccan-occupied Western Sahara
16 March 2022 |
Joint Submission to the Human Rights Committee on Israel’s Sixth Periodic Review
31 January 2022 |
Entrenching and Maintaining an Apartheid Regime over the Palestinian People as a Whole
07 January 2022 |
Conflict, Occupation, War amid Global Cease-fire
18 October 2021 |
Ndola Rural Research Study, 2021
30 August 2021 |
Deconstructing Israel`s Housing and Land Apartheid
31 May 2021 |
الأرض كحق من حقوق الانسان
24 February 2021 |
UNSRs Address Israel over Naqab Demolitions
21 December 2020 |
UNSRs Address Israel over Naqab Demolitions
21 December 2020 |
How Israeli Apartheid Affects the Syrian Golan
09 December 2020 |
"A Pandemic of Violations"
05 October 2020 |
جائحة من الانتهاكات الإخلاء القسري، وغيره من انتهاكات حقوق الإنسان المرتبطة بالموئل وسط جائحة كوفيد-19
05 October 2020 |
Input to HIC-HLRN World Habitat Day Report 2020
25 September 2020 |
Incidents of infrastructure development that displace people: Baseline assessment of women’s wealth, wellbeing and habitat including potential losses
30 July 2020 |
Interpreting the Human Right to Land within ICESCR
03 April 2020 |
Israel’s Implementation of Covenant Rights and Obligations Related to Habitat
06 September 2019 |
Human Rights Obligations of Local Governments and Local Authorities
31 August 2019 |
Revue Nationale Volontaire sur les Objectifs de Développement Durable en Mauritanie
13 July 2019 |
Israel’s Implementation of Covenant Rights and Obligations Related to Habitat
17 January 2019 |
Transmission letter to Israel’s Implementation of Covenant Rights and Obligations Related to Habitat
17 January 2019 |
HIC’s role in the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty: Representing the Urban Constituency
02 July 2018 |
Rapport d’inventaire des biens des communautés locales de Mvuzi 3, Lubuaku, Lundu et Kilengo à Inga
06 June 2018 |
الحق في المدينة في بيروت الكبرى: تقييم السياق في ضوء أزمة اللاجئين والنازحين
23 April 2018 |
"No hunger on earth as of today"
21 February 2018 |
Final Report of the Sixth Session of the Land Forum in MENA
30 October 2017 |
التقرير النهائي للدورة السادسة لمنتدى الأرض لإقليم الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا
30 October 2017 |
18 July 2017 |
Human Rights Habitat Observatory
10 July 2017 |
“Spotlight” on UN High-Level Forum, SDGs
10 July 2017 |
Gains and Losses of Habitat III
09 July 2017 |
General Comment No. 24 on State Obligations under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in the Context of Business Activities
23 June 2017 |
19 June 2017 |
The Right to Adequate Food Seminar: Promoting accountability of food security actions to the people most affected by food insecurity and malnutrition
24 January 2017 |
المياه في المنطقة العربية ... من الملك العام للخصخصة
23 January 2017 |
The Impact of the Daryan Dam on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq
28 October 2016 |
Draft outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III), A/CONF.226/4
29 September 2016 |
Final draft "New Urban Agenda" of 10 September 2016
10 September 2016 |
Alternativas desde la sociedad civil hacia Hábitat III,
12 August 2016 |
A Tool for Evaluative Habitat III Reporting: Responding to the Need for Implementation Reports
24 July 2016 |
Restoring Human Rights and Habitat to the Habitat III Process and New Habitat Agenda
19 July 2016 |
Statement by the Quartet Principals on the Release of the Quartet Report
01 July 2016 |
HIC response to Habitat III revised zero draft
28 June 2016 |
Livret vert de la Convergence
19 March 2016 |
Livret vert de la Convergence des luttes pour la terre et l`eau
19 March 2016 |
General recommendation No. 34 (2016) on the rights of rural women
07 March 2016 |
Recommandation générale No 34 sur les droits des femmes rurales, CEDAW/C/GC/34
07 March 2016 |
Recomendación general núm. 34 (2016) sobre los derechos de las mujeres rurales, CEDAW/C/GC/34
07 March 2016 |
تقرير الوضع العا لمحافظة تعز ديسمبر 2015
19 January 2016 |
The Paris Agreement, FCCC/CP/2015/L.9/Rev.1
12 December 2015 |
اتفاق باريس، FCCC/CP/2015/L.9/Rev.1
12 December 2015 |
"Key Issues and Recommendations," Housing in the City We Need UTC
18 November 2015 |
تحويل عالمنا: خطة التنمية المستدامة لعام ٢٠٣٠، A/RES/70/1
21 October 2015 |
Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, A/RES/70/1
21 October 2015 |
Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, A/RES/70/1
21 October 2015 |
Reporte National de México para Hábitat III
20 October 2015 |
إطار العمل بشأن الأمن الغذائي والتغذية في الأزمات الممتدة
15 October 2015 |
منهجية لتقارير قطرية للموئل الثالث (مدمجة)
21 September 2015 |
The private modes of water capture in Lebanon
01 September 2015 |
Transforming the historical link between agricultural policy and inequality in Lebanon
01 September 2015 |
“The role of local government in the promotion and protection of human rights,” A/HRC/30/49
07 August 2015 |
Rôle des administrations locales dans la promotion et la protection des droits de l’homme, A/HRC/30/49
07 August 2015 |
دور الحكومة المحلية في تعزيز وحماية حقوق الإنسان - التقرير النهائي للجنة الاستشارية لمجلس حقوق الإنسان، A/HRC/30/49
07 August 2015 |
HIC Comments on Habitat III Issue Papers
31 July 2015 |
National Habitat III Parallel-reporting Tool
20 July 2015 |
Human Rights Obligations of Local Government
20 July 2015 |
HIC Comments to the HRC-AC Local government and human rights draft report
15 June 2015 |
"Toward a Global Alliance of Human Rights Cities for All II," Gwangju
17 May 2015 |
أساسيات الموئل الثالث
16 April 2015 |
إتفاق حول إعلان مبادئ حول سد النهضة الإثيوبي العظيم
23 March 2015 |
Renaissance Dam Agreement on Declaration of Principles
23 March 2015 |
Habitat II Evaluation Criteria
03 March 2015 |
HIC response to HRC-AC Local government and human rights questionnaire
15 November 2014 |
The Right to the City: Jerusalem
26 October 2014 |
تقرير المقررة الخاصة المعنية بحق الإنسان في الحصول على مياه الشرب المأمونة وخدمات الصرف الصحي: البعثة إلى الأردن
05 August 2014 |
Report of the Special Rapporteur on the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation: Mission to Jordan
05 August 2014 |
إعلان مسقط الوزاري حول المعاهدة الدولية بشأن الموارد الوراثية النباتية للأغذية والزراعة
21 September 2013 |
Housing Land and Property Issues and the Response to Displacement in Libya
01 December 2012 |
The Cruel Side of Delhi`s Beautification: Illegal Demolition in Baljeet Nagar
30 June 2011 |
Report of SR related to access to safe drinking water and sanitation Mission to Egypt July 2010
05 July 2010 |
مبادئ توجيهيـة بشأن الوثائق المتعلقة بمعاهدة محددة التي ينبغي أن تقدمها الدول الأطراف
24 March 2009 |
Guidelines on Treaty-Specific Documents to be Submitted by States Parties, E/C.12/2008/2
24 March 2009 |
“De Vancouver 1976 a Vancouver 2006: Una revisión critica desde la perspectiva no gubernamental”
01 October 2008 |
Water as a Human Right for the Middle East and North Africa
15 June 2008 |
Report on Indicators for Monitoring Compliance with International Human Rights Instruments, HRI/MC/2008/3
06 June 2008 |
United Nations Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples
02 October 2007 |
إعلان الأمم المتحدة بشأن حقوق الشعوب الأصلية
02 October 2007 |
Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les droits des peuples autochtones
02 October 2007 |
Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas
02 October 2007 |
Principios Básicos y Directrices sobre los Desalojos y el Desplazamiento Generados por el Desarrollo, A/HRC/4/18
26 August 2007 |
إعلان توصيات مؤتمر الفلاحين الدولى - إعلان نياليني
27 February 2007 |
إعلان نييليني
27 February 2007 |
إدارة المياه العابرة للحدود
15 June 2006 |
Report on Indicators for Monitoring Compliance with International Human Rights Instruments, HRI/MC/2006/7
11 May 2006 |
"Land, Territory and Dignity" Forum Declaration
09 March 2006 |
قضايا جوهرية ناشئة عن تنفيذ العهد الدولي الخاص بالحقوق الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية، التعليق العام رقم 16
11 August 2005 |
التعليق العام رقم 15، الحق في الماء
20 January 2003 |
General Comment No. 15 (2002), The right to water
20 January 2003 |
تقرير المقرر الخاص المعني بالسكن اللائق بوصفع عنصراً من عناصر الحق في مستوى معيشي لائق، السيد ميلون كوتهاري، في زيارته إلى الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة، زيارة الأرض الفلسطينية المحتلة، E / CN.4 / 2003/5 / ADD.1
17 June 2002 |
Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living, Mr. Miloon Kothari, on his visit to the occupied Palestinian territories, E/CN.4/2003/5/Add.1
17 June 2002 |
House demolitions in `Isawiya neighborhood of occupied Jerusalem
14 February 2002 |
تدمير المنازل في قريةالعيسوية بالقدس المحتلة
14 February 2002 |
Lessons in Privatization: Considerations for Arab States
01 January 2002 |
قانون المدينة: مفاهيم ووسائل جديدة (برازيل)
10 September 2001 |
المسؤلية الدولية عن النتائج الضارة الناجمة عن أفعال لا يحظرها القانون الدولي (منع الضرر العابر للحدود الناجم عن أنشطة الخانرة)
10 August 2001 |
Statute of the City (law No. 10257) general guidelines for urban policy and other measures
21 July 2001 |
Declaración sobre las ciudades y otros asentamientos humanos en el nuevo milenio, S-25/2
11 June 2001 |
Declaración sobre las ciudades y otros asentamientos humanos en el nuevo milenio, S-25/2
09 June 2001 |
Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, A/RES/70/1
05 September 2000 |
The Investment Encouragement Act 1999 (Amended 2007)
22 July 1999 |
”دراسة في المعاهدات والاتفاقات وغيرها من الترتيبات البنّاءة بين الدول والسكان الشعوب الأصلية،" تقرير نهائي مقدم من المقرر الخاص، E/CN.4/Sub.2/1999/20
22 June 1999 |
Protocol on Water and Health to the 1992 Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, done in London, on 17 June 1999.
17 June 1999 |
“Women’s access, control and tenure of land, property and settlement”
25 July 1998 |
Convention on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses, New York, 21 May 1997.
21 May 1997 |
اتفاقية قانون استخدام المجاري المائية الدولية في الأغراض غير الملاحية
21 May 1997 |
Istanbul Declaration on Human Settlements and the Habitat Agenda, A/CONF.165/14
14 June 1996 |
Declaración de Estambul sobre los Asentamientos Humanos y Programa de Hábitat, A/CONF.65/14
14 June 1996 |
La Déclaration d`Istanbul sur les etablissements humains et le Programme pour l`habitat, A/CONF.65/14
14 June 1996 |
إعلان استمبول وجدول أعمال المستوطنات البشرية
14 April 1996 |
إعلان القدس: مشروع ميثاق حركة حقوق السكن الفلسطينية
29 May 1995 |
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa.
14 October 1994 |
اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة لمكافحة التصحر في البلدان التي تعاني من الجفاف الشديد و /أو من التصحر، وبخاصة في إفريقيا
14 October 1994 |
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa.
14 October 1994 |
"إعلان ريو بشأن البيئة والتنمية"، "جدول أعمال القرن 21،" تقرير الأمم المتحدة المعني بالبيئة والتنمية، A / CONF.151 / 26 (المجلد الأول)
12 August 1992 |
NGO Treaty on Urbanisation. Towards Just Democratic and Sustainable Cities, Towns and Villages
16 June 1992 |
الاتفاقية رقم 169 بشأن الشعوب الأصلية والقبلية في البلدان المستقلة
27 June 1989 |
Land. That’s What Habitat Was About
23 June 1976 |
Declaración de Vancouver
11 June 1976 |
Flood Control & Marine Pollution of Continental Origin, Institute of International Law, 55th Conference
17 August 1972 |
Right to the City in Greater Beirut p
01 January 1970 |
Regulation Governing Navigation on International Rivers, Resolution of Paris
19 October 1934 |
Convention relating to the Development of Hydraulic Power Affecting More Than One State and Protocol
17 March 1923 |
Convention and Statute on the Régime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern
17 March 1921 |
Convention and Statute on the Régime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern
17 March 1921 |
International Regulation regarding the Use of International Watercourses for Purposes other than Navigation- Declaration of Madrid, 20 April 1911
20 April 1911 |